
Things have been quiet here lately...

There hasn't been anything to respond to for a bit, so I shall take it upon myself to (maybe) start a conversation.

Over the last week or so, I've begun to step away from some of the champions I traditionally play, such as Rumble, Maokai, and Mordekaiser. Instead, I have been trying out a few champions of different play styles, and I've been having quite a bit of fun in the process.

The first of these is Gragas. He's a champion I've long been interested in, but I never got around to trying him. What with him being free, I decided enough was enough and finally gave him a go. A day after first playing him, I had spent all of my IP to buy him. I have a feeling that he would probably be decent as a tanky dps character, but AP Gragas is just too much fun. His ultimate in particular is worth mentioning; you can get the cooldown on it to somewhere between 30 and 40 seconds. That is absolutely amazing for a move that can change the game as much as that. Also, the unintentional comedy of saving an enemy champion's life with it is always good for a laugh.

Wukong is another one that I've been playing a lot lately. I really enjoy his style of play; he's a very nimble champion and it's great to be able to duck in and out of combat by using his stealth skill (the name eludes me). He has decent burst damage and his ultimate is very powerful, mainly for the knock-up effect (though the damage isn't to be sneezed at either). He fills a role I have been long seeking to fill: being someone sort of like Xin Zhao who isn't actually Xin Zhao (I'm not sure why I dislike Xin Zhao so much, I've heard he's not even that good at higher levels of play).

Finally, there's Kog'Maw. I had previously been playing as Ashe as my ranged AD character of choice, but I decided that you see quite a few Ashe players but Kog'Maw tends to be neglected. I do believe that he's trickier to play than most ranged AD characters; he's fairly slow and squishy. As a consequence of this, good positioning is even more important for him than other champions in a similar vein. I've had mixed results when playing as him in the middle lane, but a side lane with a support champion (Soraka is ideal) or a strong laning champion (I had a good time pairing up with Rhizophora as Galio) tends to work out quite nicely. You're basically an artillery unit when you play as Kog'Maw, and when you get things right it feels fantastic.

An honorable mention goes to Swain, who is also great deals of fun now that I'm actually starting to play him properly and not lose as catastrophically as before.

So, there you have it. Thoughts? Musings? Erotic limericks? If you combine all three I may be tempted to buy you a drink sometime.



Holy crap! I just got my first win as Alistar! After countless games of getting completely owned by enemy Alistars, I decided to try him out a couple weeks ago... And I failed. Miserably. 0-5.

However, today I decided to get his Longhorn Alistar skin and give him another try. It went wayyy better than it previously had and I got my first win as him.

I realized that my problem had been that I had been building him for AP burst, but never building his damage spells - however that's not even a good idea. So I went Desolation Runes, Flat Armor Seals, some defense glyphs? and a Fortitude and 2 Swiftness Quints for my rune page; and then 1/8/21 on masteries (smite in offense cause I was jungling, strength of spirit in defense, and typical 21 Utility). Then on items I built Philosopher's Stone, Heart of Gold, and Merc's Treads initially with a bunch of wards, then built a Trinity Force. My original plan had been to just build the Sheen and then build armor and/or MR items and finish the TriForce later, but we were doing so well and I needed my ganks to be stronger than for my sustainability to last. By the time I finished my TriForce, the enemy team had surrendered.

I was able to gank early and often. My early ganks did not result in kills, but they did result in the enemy team recalling and giving up position in lane - which is all I really wanted.

I placed meaningful and impactful wards on both sides of the river that saved lives and resulted in at least one kill.

I maintained level with the bottom lane (of course mid and top, the solo lanes, outran me), and that was awesome.

Overall, I was very pleased with myself and my performance. I finally got the stupid purple cow to work for me!



I've been playing Nocturne for about a month now, and I've got to say, he is probably my favorite champion to play. I have almost every champion, and I've played them all, and there is something about Nocturne's ultimate that is just so much fun.

Also, this skin, Frozen Terror, pleases me to no end.