

Still being south of 30 and working on completing my first rune page has forced me to be very judicious in my IP expenditures. In a way I feel like if I can't fill (for my level) a page specifically built for a given champ, I need to wait until I can before I can even try that champ.

Hence the constant maining of Garen.

The first page I'm looking to polish off is:

Mark of Desolation - 410 IP - Armor Pen +1.66
Glyph of Focus - 820 IP - CDR -0.65%
Seal of Evasion - 820 IP - Dodge Chance +0.75%
Quint of Desolation - 1025 IP - Armor Pen +3.33

After that I'd like to expand with:

Mark of Insight - 410 IP - Magic Pen +0.95
Glyph of Warding - 205 IP - Magic Resist +1.49
Seal of Clarity - 205 IP - Mana Regen/5/Level +0.1
Seal of Resilience - 205 IP - Armor +1.41
Quint of Potency - 1025 IP - AP +4.95
Quint of Fortitude - 2050 IP - Health +26

Focusing on the runes currently at my disposal, what champions besides Garen can I branch out to? Poppy?

What other runes should I be considering?


  1. I'll start by commenting on runes, both what you should consider and what you have.

    The only Marks that are really worth it are Desolation and Insight. Alacrity Marks are good once you have excess IP and you're messing around. Beyond that, if you're going overboard on tank runes (or not using Defensive Mastery Tree), then Warding Marks (or possibly Resilience Marks) are ok.

    The best Seals are far and away Clarity Seals (on any champ that can use them). The problem is that not all champions use them. That being said, the only other viable Seals are defensive and they are Evasion and Resilience. The major difference here is whether or not you're using the Defensive Mastery Tree or not. If you're going 9/21/0 or 0/21/9, then you're already getting all the armor you need, you can grab all 4 levels of Dodge Mastery and get the point in Nimbleness (which is ridiculously good). If you are not going Defensive Tree, then they're basically equal, the difference being that Evasion Seals are 820 IP and Resilience Seals are 205 IP.

    Focus Glyphs are 100% the best Glyphs. For every champion. That being said, if you're going overboard on tank runes (or not using Defensive Mastery Tree), then Warding Glyphs are pretty good. Outside of that, if you're level 30 with IP to burn, Potency Glyphs are baaaad... but they're mostly there for you to see what 1000 AP looks like (read: WIN MORE).

    This is the most variable slot, in my opinion, of all the rune slots. Potency Quints are excellent on casters. +15 AP to begin the game is no laughing matter. Desolation Quints are excellent on anyone AD. Another +10 (on top of the +15 from Marks) armor penetration is awesome). Swiftness Quints are excellent utility if neither of the above are quite right (or if you are Singed). Fortitude Quints are just really, really good.

    Those are my thoughts on Runes and really, imo, the only ones you need to buy. You're pretty much dead on.

    I'll write a separate comment later about what champions you should branch out to. Who do you have, btw? Both champion bundles plus Garen?

  2. So now champions...

    Corki, Gangplank, Master Yi, Nasus, Rammus, Shaco, Sivir, Tristana, Tryndamere, Twisted Fate, Twitch, and Warwick are all from those two bundles and right up the alley of the runes you already have.

    There are several others that fit as well, Poppy being one of them, yes.

    No champion in the game is completely underpowered and unusable, however, my recommendations from that list would be: Corki, Rammus, Tristana, and Twisted Fate. Rammus is an awesome tank, and the other three are all good Ranged AD carries.

  3. Now, what I would recommend as the next step from where you are right now is to keep the Evasion Seals and the Focus Glyphs as the base of any other builds you make for the time being, as they are usable (and desirable) on any champion.

    I would then work on the alternates for your Desolation Marks and Quints. These should probably be Insight Marks and Potency Quints.

    After that, I'd work on Clarity Seals.

    After that, Bob is your uncle.

  4. Oh, and Ashe. Ashe is stupid good. I'd recommend Ashe.

  5. Also, one more thing - don't feel like you can't try out a champion if you don't have the right runes. If you try it now and then later when you have all the right runes, you'll just be happy about how much easier everything is :P

    The only champions that really require full, dedicated rune pages are the less tanky junglers, like Olaf and Udyr, and that is only if you're jungling with them.

    Everything else should still be viable regardless of what runes you have. Runes are icing.
