

So I just lost my first real normal solo queue game with Gragas - and it wasn't pretty. It would seem that playing a champion with abilities that no one knows or understands is... dubious in solo queue. Now, to be fair, I have won several games in solo queue with Gragas up to this point, at times completely dominating lanes and laying on good damage.

The issue came with my team's complete lack of understanding of my ult. They seemed like the kind of people who were expecting a giant teamfight fustercluck with burst AoEs and tons of damage. So, when I would drop my barrel to blast the enemy team apart and to separate them into 5 small pieces which we, in theory, would then gang up on and burst down, my team instead scattered and each attacked a different person, some members even running away from our turrets and team to take on 2 enemies at once. So, my barrel had, in fact, the opposite result from what I had expected. By dropping my ult and intending to scatter the other team and make them easy to kill, my team instead scattered even more and became even easier kills.

I'm sure that they had just figured that they should keep attacking the person that they had been focusing, however, that person is now protected by their side and by the guy(s) with them. TURN AROUND. Focus them one at a time in easy-to-kill situations. You are not Rambo.

What also sucked was that their idea of a teamfight fustercluck with burst AoEs and tons of damage wasn't going to work because the enemy team had an Amumu. Guess what? If you all jump into a tiny little radius centered on Amumu, we're all going to die. They also didn't seem to realize that my ult leveled the playing field and reduced Amumu's effectiveness.


1 comment:

  1. I have gotten to the point in my LoL career that I'm thinking to myself, "If I knew how champion X on my team/the other team worked, I would have a much better idea of what's going to happen". And so the long road of being familiar with all champions ensues. As to your unfortunate team, I imagine that they are (knowingly or not) in a similar boat. Their tendency to "be Rambo" also indicates an immaturity and lack of learned caution (also zoning?).

    That said, who is the biggest priority in a teamfight: the carry, who is dealing damage, or the support, who is keeping the carry alive? Depending on your role in the team I imagine that you would have different perspectives: the Tank really just wants to shield his or her team while harassing the enemy (but which enemy?), the carry is going to be taking potshots at the squishiest target he or she can find, the assassin is going straight for the carry, and the support just does whatever a support does. At least, that's my conception of it. I'd love to have a discussion about targeting in a team fight.
