
What happens when you have 5 champions with 5 similar abilities?

This. Is. Incredible.


  1. It's really amazing what a coordinated team working in concert can do.

  2. I experienced the shadow of this while playing tonight: I was playing Amumu, and also on my team were Fiddlesticks and Katrina. At first I thought we would lose, because we had little AD (we had an Udyr jungling without Smite :-\ ), and the first five to ten minutes were a colossal confusion of who should be in what lane. I, tank Amumu, started in a solo lane, and our mid had the two mages (Fiddlesticks and Ryze: yes, we had both)...

    ...Anyway, that's not really the point of the story. Mid-late game we started dominating: the other team was trying to team up and push a lane, but I would bandage into their ranks and throw my ult. Then Katarina would Shunpo in and throw her ult. And while all this was happening, Fiddlesticks would throw his ult. My zone of stasis became an AP slaughterhouse. After the third or so repetition of this the other team surrendered. It was satisfying.

    ...Really though, if the other team had been any good, we would have been wiped off the map.

  3. That's pretty amazing, especially the trap team and the segment with the long-ranged ultimates.

    We really need to try making a team like that.
