
Champion Sale!


I already have Tristana, as so should you all for Liking LoL on Facebook, and I already got Udyr with IP.

However, I've been planning on getting Trundle for awhile now, and this is my chance.


  1. So... I got him... and he kinda blows. I mean, he's not baaaad per se, but like every other jungler does what he does better.

    He does no damage (which is a problem :P)

    He has 1 ability with an effect on the game (Pillar of Filth) and his Ultimate is best used either as an Ignite finisher or on the opposing tank at the beginning of the fight (and that is not the person you want to be targeting :P).

    His Q (Rabid Bite) is little more than a glorified auto-attack. And his W is really easy to avoid.

    Overall, he needs some love from Riot.

  2. I thought his backstory was interesting; at least it explained why he looks so leprous.

  3. I've always had a soft spot for Trundle, largely due to his pillar of filth.

  4. That sounds really perverse, now that I re-read it...
