
Leona to come soon

What are your initial thoughts? (aside from the ridiculous heels, of course ;) )


  1. I think she looks pretty interesting, more interesting than I initially thought. I'm a bit worried about her having 2 stuns though, especially the one where she can dash straight through minions to someone; that seems a little bit too strong to me. I suppose we'll have to see how it goes

  2. Her E really worries me, not just for the flashing through minions bit, but because it'll also move through other champions. I guess it all depends on her damage though. If she has the output of say Shen, it might be a non-issue.

  3. She is certainly a tank, and may end up being a very good one. She has an initiation ability. She has a stun ability. Her innate enables allies to deal extra damage. She has a defensive boost (which also deals damage). And, her ultimate is an AoE around her with crowd control (seems similar to Nunu's/Amumu's). Whether or not she's OP really does depend on her damage output, as Leo says.

  4. http://eu.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=311313

    This might clear up some questions, and I know that I had some misconceptions. She very well might be OP.

  5. I cannot wait! This is exactly the type of champion that I love to play! She sounds like a really awesome offtank with good abilities, unison and tankiness. She sounds like a combination of Irelia and Jarvan. Two of my favorite champions. I'm really super pumped about this... ... !

  6. Of course, by unison, I mean initiation...
