
Free Kayle Skin

I like Kayle. Or at least the concept of Kayle, having never really mucked around enough to give her a solid shake. And its entirely possible that my fondness is merely the carry over of my enjoyment of the Sisters of Battle and the feverish need to utilize a Living Saint that lies there in...

In any event I hate, nay loathe, the "Classic" Kayle skin. Yellow and red are not a good color scheme in my mind normally, but on an angel and with a giant, stupod-look plume... I scorn it like Tim Gunn scorns Crocs.


  1. I'm curious if they mean that this free skin is going to everyone with 10 games played in ranked or what? I can't remember where the link is either...

    However, once Kayle gets her buff (and I get this sexy new skin!) I'll be excited to try her out again. She should be good.

  2. There was a red post somewhere that clarified it as ANY ten games. So custom, AI, normal, ranked, whatev.

  3. So, ANYONE who has played 10 GAMES gets the skin? Do these games need to be played within a specific time period? Otherwise, what do I need to do to get the skin?

  4. It sounds like the free skin is sort of a thank you to ANY players who played ANY 10 games of ANY type during season 1. So, those of us who have posted here so far will be receiving it at some point over the next couple of weeks or months.

    I'm assuming that, like the facebook Tristana skin, those of us without the champion will be given the champion and the skin. Does anyone know if that's correct?

  5. Yes. It'll work just like the FB Trist (that is if reds are to be trusted).

  6. Huzzah! My months of putting off buying Kayle will be worth something!

  7. Also, here is the link for those who are interested:

