
Sooooo.... Leona

I can't quite tell how I feel about her yet. I've played two games with her so far; both custom, all basic bots aside from me, one win, one loss.
Shield of Daybreak is eh. For me, since I'm not really certain how to use it yet, it becomes a button mash that is on whenever I'm in combat and especially in the combo used when other champions are below half health.
She's great with the initiation on Zenith blade, but that tends to get her in to too much trouble as she's just not quite tanky enough (low health, easy to hit, low damage on her hits). I've also found that so far Zenith Blade's aiming is a little off... I wonder if that's a characteristic of skill shots themselves? I rarely play people with skill shots, but it seems that this is way off. Like I have the line directly over someone who's not moving and it still misses. Also, not a great clearer as far as waves go. Whereas Malphite (my favourite tank-esque champion) has Ground Slam and Amumu at least has his auras, the only clearing ability on Leona is her Eclipse after effect.
Eclipse is definitely nice to have, but again, doesn't have that wow factor I had hoped.
And her ultimate is .... weak if I'm being diplomatic, total shite if I'm not.
The passive, Sunlight, I don't know if it works or not. Allied bots are too stupid to hit people when they have that debuff.
Her use really comes in chasing/initiating with the Zenith Blade and then unleashing every other ability to get an opposing champion down about a quarter of their health, and then running away and leaving the carry to clean up.
She's fun to play, but I can definitely see how people are crying "underpowered".
Anyone else played her so far? Any thoughts? Any suggestions?
Also, I take back all my doubts about Valkyrie skin. Super cutie! ;)

1 comment:

  1. So, I agree with a lot of what you've said about her here. That being said, I'll offer some insight from playing several games against her, one game with her (on your account :P), and what I've seen other blogs and forums saying.

    Leona does, quite literally, nothing by herself. Also, her AP ratios are terrible. She should never be built with any AP items. She is a very good tank, and she should be encouraged to be built that way. Her abilities should scale with Armor and MR. That being said, she's pretty good with teammates.

    Shield of Daybreak is meant to secure kills for your teammate, save your teammate, stop enemy ganks, secure friendly ganks, lock down the enemy carry in a teamfight, etc. It really is pretty good, you just need to be aware of who on the enemy team really needs to be stunned right now...

    Eclipse is... interesting. By maxing it out first, you have ridiculous tankiness. It doesn't deal enough damage to help you farm or be a real threat to the enemy. Honestly, the damage on it needs to be upped. It doesn't really soften the enemy champs, and it doesn't even kill caster minions. She cannot farm at all, and this little change would help her immensely.

    Zenith Blade's hitbox is either bugged or too small. Other than that, the purpose of Zenith Blade is to launch yourself through the enemy team, past the tanks, and onto the carry - at which point you stun, stun, and stun some more.

    Her ultimate is pretty good if done PERFECTLY. If it misses, which is very likely, it doesn't really do much. Yeah it stuns if done perfectly, and has a decent slow, but it does almost no damage. Also, the cooldown is wayyy too long.

    The passive is kinda decent, but the debuffs don't last long enough. Your team rarely has enough time to activate the Sunlight. Also, because of this passive, she cannot jungle, and she cannot solo a lane.

    Overall, she's completely decent. But she needs to be a bit better. Small buffs on almost every ability would help her to become more viable.

    My suggestions? Honestly, don't play Leona with in Custom. I'd play Coop vs. AI if you want the easier competition, however you really need real people as teammates to take advantage of your abilities.

    I'd also anticipate her being fun with a group of friends during a LAN :P
