
Good Team Makeup does not equal Win

This is a cautionary tale.

So... I just finished a game that went like this.

Our champion select:
Gragas (me)
Rammus (jungle)

Needless to say, I was excited. I got to be the main AP carry, Cait is a great ranged AD, Renekton is an awesome offtank, Rammus is a good tank (who took jungle! = 2 solo lanes! woot!), and Kassadin is a nifty hybrid AP smiting dude. It looked like a near perfect team makeup with some cool combos.

Then we see their champion selection:
Rammus (not jungle)
Dr. Mundo

I got really excited at this point, since it now seemed like a sure thing. They had no range to speak of (Sona doesn't count, neither does Mundo's Cleaver) and 3 UP champions (Nasus, Rammus, Mundo).

Visions of dominating solo top against 2 melee bruisers who walk away sad every time they try to last hit were dancing through my head, while Caitlyn sits in mid and owns whatever poor melee sap they throw against her, while Kassadin and Renekton stay beefy and hold the bottom lane steady against Sona and whomever.

And then... We lost. Terribly. Blowout. Not even close. And I can tell you exactly when it happened ---- 20 seconds into the match.

Kassadin demanded the middle lane, and Renekton demanded the top lane. They both walked to the lanes they had chosen and wouldn't move and were being obnoxious on chat.

Kassadin is a melee Auto-Attack (AA) champ for those that don't know, and so is Renekton. Yes! Let's take our primary advantage in this game, Range, and squander the shit out of it! And while we're at it, let's deny the much-needed farm to the two carries who need it way more than everyone else!

Within 10 minutes, Renekton had died twice in the top lane, was a level behind in a solo lane against the two he was against (Nasus and Rammus), and was, I'm not kidding, 60 CS behind Nasus. 82-23 or something along those lines.

Within 10 minutes, Kassadin hadn't died yet, (a fact he was very proud of) however he was 50 CS behind Garen, as well as 2 levels behind, as he had had to Recall twice, and did not have Teleport.

Within 10 minutes, our Rammus had yet to gank a lane, however their Rammus left the top lane and came down to overload the bottom lane 3v2. Our Rammus never came to help.

I'm not entirely sure what the cautionary tale is here. But I have a few ideas.

1. LET THE CARRIES SOLO LANES. Unless you have a support who is willing to babysit a lane.

2. MAXIMIZE YOUR ADVANTAGE OVER YOUR OPPONENTS. We had Caitlyn, the only ranged Auto-Attack in the game and we didn't let her solo against a melee opponent mid. We had Gragas, who has a spammable, AoE, low-cost, low-cooldown, long-range harassing ability and built in sustainability with Mana Regen and HP Regen. We decided to fight our entirely melee opponents on their terms - sending Kassadin and Renekton to fight them 2v3 in melee AA. We met them in hand-to-hand combat, and guess what? They were bigger, tankier, and there were more of them.

3. UNDERSTAND WHEN YOU'RE LOSING A LANE AND CALL FOR HELP OR A SWITCH. I... couldn't believe what I was seeing looking at the minimap. Our Solo-laners crouched under their turrets while the enemy farmed and farmed and farmed. At any point, me and Caitlyn could have easily switched out and at least taken a shot at saving the lanes. Which leads to the last one...

4. IF YOU ARE A JUNGLER, YOU MUST BE PRESENT. You can't just jungle until level 8 and never pay attention to your team. Your jungle is not that important. It is what you do in between ganks. Your number one priority is to scare the shit out of the other team, making them think that you are hiding in every bush and shadow. People seriously underestimate the power of psychology in LoL. You don't need to get a kill with every gank, but chasing the enemy from a lane, thwarting a push, zoning the enemy out - these are all extremely important, and infinitely more important than clearing the Wraiths. Coming out of the jungle at the enemy team, even if they burn their Flash and Ghost and stun you and get away, you've accomplished many things - they are now aware that there is an unknown force to be reckoned with, an unaccounted-for variable that they must take into consideration every time they Recall, try for Dragon, try for a buff, or even walk through the jungle. Most importantly, they now understand that you are watching them and will pounce if they overextend. THIS WINS LANES. I've become very tired of playing with bad junglers.


1 comment:

  1. I have found nothing in your article that I want to disagree with. I was reminded of a recent game I played that bore similarities to yours: one, we got owned, and that's the worst part. I was playing Amumu and was top with Nocturne, and the early game was going well against Lux and LeBlanc. I was letting Nocturne farm, and spent most of my time hiding in the bushes. Lux and LeBlanc KNEW I WAS THERE, and didn't dare approach the farming Nocturne. The couple times they tried I would bandage out of the bush and they would take damage. However, when we hit the mid-game their collective killing power skyrocketed and our troubles started. We needed help or a lane switch, and the rest of the team didn't give a damn or wasn't paying attention. About the only thing I can't relate to in this game is jungling (because we had no jungler), but we probably should have had one: the other team was all over our jungle, and it sucked. I should have warded our jungle, because no one else on our team was going to.
