
LoL the RPG?

So this was originally asked in a comment to the post on the storyline/retcon issues that LoL has, but I really think it deserves its own post for continued discussion...

"Are there any existing RPGs that LoL naturally lends itself to? Exalted? Scion? D&D? Seventh Sea? I'm very curious about this..."


  1. I can't think of a system that really encompasses LoL all that well. BESM is my best suggestion, but its not really as system as much as it is a loose framework for creating your own system...

  2. I think (inexpertly) that BESM is similar to or a narrowing of GURPS: because each has no embedded setting (for the most part), they would work as rule frameworks. For similar reason I think that neither Exalted nor Scion would work because each have mechanics tied closely to the setting. D&D and Seventh Sea as well would be tricky. I think what would need to happen before an RPG could be developed would be, as discussed earlier, a structuring of the LoL setting. However, by the nature of champions and their uniqueness, I like the idea of a system that does not have structured races and classes (much like GURPS or BESM). This would allow for the customization and originality that are present in LoL's current champions without any rule stretching.

  3. I suppose that something homebrewed or cannibalized from GURPS or BESM is probably the best idea.

    The major problem is not that the setting is a complete mess currently, but rather that this world is populated by these champions who each do 5 special abilities completely unique to themselves (they might share similarities to other champions), then a selection of 2 spells from a pool of spells available to everyone, very minor customization in the form of runes and masteries, and a common spell, Recall, across everyone.

    I understand that the last couple items are not really a problem and wouldn't translate to an RPG that well anyway, however, the 5 ability limit is the real issue I think.

  4. Also, what are common people like in this setting? They never say. Are they supposed to be minions? :P

  5. I think the normal people are just normal people, with the champions being akin to our superheroes.

    Minions? Maybe the physical manifestations of the opposite and opposed forces of the twinned nexuses? Like electrons and anti-electrons with hammers...
