
LoL needs a continuity editor...

Random inconsistencies in the storyline annoy me.

"Pantheon is native to Mt. Targon and his tribe, the Rakkor, live upon its slopes."
-Journal of Justice, V1:I24

"Far above the clouds on Mount Gargantuan resides a stalwart tribe of people known as the Stanpar..."
-Pantheon Story


  1. I agree. I haven't found anything like that, but I would feel the same way if I did.

    Another thing that I find annoying about the story is how scattered it is. Going on the official site and looking at the lore, you can read about Demacia, Noxus and the history of the League itself. The history of Runeterra, Ionia, Bandle City, Piltover, and all of the other places I've forgotten get next to no mention at all. I would like them to compile the story, iron out the inconsistencies, and publish it in some fashion.

  2. I agree with both of you. Btw, Runeterra is the world, I believe (though I could always be wrong :P)

    I personally find the pieces of the world that they do have fleshed out to be interesting enough that I wish they would release a setting book. If they were to compile it all and release it, that would be very interesting, but would they have to design their own RPG system to go with it?

    Are there any existing RPGs that LoL naturally lends itself to? Exalted? Scion? D&D? Seventh Sea? I'm very curious about this...

  3. http://www.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=892303

    Acknowledged as a retcon.
