
Wukong, The Monkey King Art Spotlight and Gameplay Preview



Photoshop in fast forward is once again awesome...

His mechanics look... really good. His ult seems... way too good, but we'll see. I'm excited.


  1. So... based on what I've been able to gather, he is pretty underwhelming.

    His Q does literally nothing - reduces 30% of base armor, and last I checked, 30% of 60 or less is not very much.

    His W is on too long of a CD and scales off of AP.

    His E is apparently pretty good.

    His ult apparently completely blows.

  2. My brother bought Wukong the other day, and his general opinion on him so far is pretty cool, but a bit weak. I think that part of the problem is that people are rushing into battle with him instead of waiting for the right moment. His health is fairly low, so it pays to let the fight begin then suddenly jump in and use your ultimate. That's my opinion so far, anyway.

    I have also heard of people having success by building warmogs + atma's impaler and going the tanky route.
