
Offense Mastery

I've been investigating builds lately, including items, runes and masteries.  I would like to start a series of articles rating the masteries of each tree.  I should note that I am still an amateur, and while I trust my analytical abilities these should be treated as my opinions.  Today I'm starting with the Offense Mastery tree.  For the Defense Mastery tree, go here.  For Utility Mastery, go here.

EDIT: The post is long, so I've put a break in to prevent it from taking up the whole home screen.

Deadliness: Increases your champion's critical strike chance by {.66/1.33/2}%.

My first thought is "This is underwhelming".  However, it is a first tier mastery.  Ironically, I think that the benefit that this gives is more useful to champions who don't plan to build for criticals: 2% critical chance is a lot more than 0% than 57% is more than 55%.  Take it if you have no need for ability power.

Cripple: Your Exhaust spell also reduces the target's armor and magic resistance by 10 for the duration, and increases the duration by .5 seconds.  The debuff does not stack with itself.

As far as I can tell, Exhaust has two uses: one offensive and one defensive.  This mastery clearly lends itself to the offensive variety with the armor and magic resistance debuff.  The duration increase to 3.5 seconds (from 3) is nice, and possibly the difference between life and death (yours or your opponent's).  How often though?

Plentiful Bounty: Your Smite skill rewards a bonus 5 gold when used, and reduces its cooldown by 5 seconds.

Take this if, and only if, you are jungling.

Achmage's Savvy: Increases your ability power by {0.2/0.4/0.6} per champion level.

I would classify this as, overall, the best of the first tier offensive masteries.  Of course it's circumstantial: however, many and perhaps most champions benefit at least slightly from ability power, making this more widely applicable than critical hits.  Its effect is still small of course: at level 18 and three points in this, you still get just shy of 11 AP.

Sorcery: Reduces the cooldown of your champion's abilities by {0.75/1.5/2.25/3}%.

The better of the two second tier options, as every champion benefits from cooldown reduction. While this gives only 3% CDR at max, this is out of a possible 40%, and is therefore significant.

Alacrity: Increases your champion's attack rate by {1/2/3/4}%.

The worse of the two second tier options: one, because many champions do not rely on autoattacks as much, and two, because 4% is almost insignificant.  By comparison, 3 Greater Marks of Alacrity give you a 5.1% increase to your attack speed.

Burning Embers: When your Ignite spell is on cooldown, your champion gains 10 Ability Power.

I do not think this is bad, but it is a little circumstantial: one, you have to be using Ignite (which is a good and fairly popular spell, if not the most ubiquitous), and two, you have to have used Ignite.  That, and 10 AP isn't a lot, so it's not very powerful either.

Archaic Knowledge: Your magical spells penetrate 15% of the target's magic resistance.

This mastery is another reason that Sorcery is better than Alacrity.  For anyone dealing magic damage (and because this applies to items that deal magic damage, this is many people), this is an amazing ability, especially if there is just no room in your build for magic penetration (possibly because AP is not your build focus, but you have some AP abilities).  That, and if you want magic penetration, you cannot have too much.

Sunder: Your physical attacks ignore {2/4/6} of the target's armor.

Nice; just, nice.  Only really useful for AD champions, but if you want armor penetration you really can't have too much (like magic penetration).  Six isn't a lot, but it's significant enough.

Offensive Mastery: Increases the damage you deal to minions by {2/4}.

Good for junglers because it also applies to neutral monsters.  Could also be useful to champions who need a little extra help farming earlier in the game.  As may be inferred, this only applies to normal attacks and anything that includes on hit effects.  Overall, there are better options, but not awful.

Brute Force: Increases your champion's attack damage by {1/2/3}.

Underwhelming.  As far as I can tell, 3 attack damage is practically insignificant, and is only noticeable in last hitting minions early game.  Points might be better spent elsewhere unless you really are reaching for more damage.

Lethality: Increases your champion's critical strike damage by {3.33/6.66/10}%.

GOOD.  As far as I know, this is the only way to increase your critical damage aside from Infinity Edge.  And, 10% is a fair amount when your base damage is 300 or more.  However, if you aren't planning to get a lot of critical hits, this will not help you much.

Improved Rally: Your Rally spell gives you 20-70 Ability Power, and increases the duration by 5 seconds.

Firstly, I never see anyone ever use Rally, so that alone pretty well makes this useless.  Rally has a short, small effect with a long cooldown.  This mastery doesn't really help that much.

Havoc: Increases your physical and magical damage by 4%.

Apparently, this now applies to all damage, not just base damage.  So, if Annie tosses out a bear for 750 damage, she gets 30 extra damage added on.  For an AD carry doing 250 damage a hit, each hit will get 10 extra damage (and with an attack speed of 1.6...).  It seems like this is significant for AD carries, but not for many other people.

Overall rating: OK.  Unless your an AD carry there's no reason to go to the end of this tree.  However, for a 9 point dip you can get a very useful 15% magic penetration and some other neat stuff.


  1. Nice idea Stephen.

    I agree with most of what you have said here, but I would throw out a few thoughts...

    In regard to Lethality, Mark of Furor raises Critical Strike Damage as well by 2.23%.

    There are only 4 Masteries that you can spend points on in this tree that are actually worth it:

    Cripple: Exhaust is one of the best Summoner Spells and this just makes it awesome. If you are a tank and you don't know what to take as your second Summoner Spell, you could do a lot worse than Exhaust, and Cripple just makes it awesome. This is only as good as it is because it is a tier 1 Mastery; if it was where Improved Rally was, it would be pretty underwhelming.

    Sorcery: As you said, 3% CDR doesn't sound amazing until you realize the cap is 40%. Also, paired with 9 Focus Glyphs and 3 ranks in Intelligence (from Utility Tree) you have entered the game with 15% CDR, which is awesome.

    Archaic Knowledge: Probably the single best Mastery in any tier of any tree. The number 1 reason why almost every build you see on any champion has 9 points in Offense.

    Havoc: This extra damage is really good. It's really good. Unfortunately, you have to trudge through the rest of the underwhelming Offensive Mastery Tree to get to it. And, you have to only take 9 points in Defense and Utility, which are both much stronger trees than offense. The primary reason why Havoc is considered worse than Tenacity or Presence of the Master, even though on paper it looks so strong, is simply because in order to get Havoc, you have to not have 21 points in either Defense or Utility.

    I feel like there are two ways to look at the Mastery Trees. One is to rate them all individually, and the other is to rate them based on how useful they are based on tier and when and how you would get them. That being said:

    Tier 1 (Deadliness, Cripple, Plentiful Bounty, Archmage's Savvy): The only good Mastery here is Cripple (and it's usefulness is care of it being tier 1). You pretty much accept by putting points here that you're just trying to get 4 points in to get to tier 2.

    Tier 2 (Sorcery, Alacrity): Both of these are quite good. Sorcery is better because of what it funnels directly into, but these are two of the strongest Masteries in the tree.

    Tier 3 (Burning Embers, Archaic Knowledge, Sunder, Offensive Mastery): Burning Embers would be better if it was not directly next to Archaic Knowledge. If you want Burning Embers, then you're probably better off with Archaic Knowledge, and usually that will put you at 10 points in the tree, which means that you can't max out another tree to 21. This is why Burning Embers is lackluster. Sunder is completely useful for the most part and will usually have at least 2 points in it for any champion on their way to 21 points in this tree. Offensive Mastery is usually ignored, even by junglers.

    Tier 4 (Brute Force): When they removed Promote from the game, so went the other offensive mastery at this tier, Demolisher. That being said, it will be really hard to get to 21 points in this tree without a few points in this mastery. Overall, pretty underwhelming, but you have no choice, really.

    Tier 5 (Lethality, Improved Rally): Both of these are pretty sucky. Improved Rally is attached to one of the worst Summoner Spells in the game and Lethality is useful to very few champions. If Lethality is useful to the champ you're playing, then it is awesome, but in most situations, ehh. Unfortunately, in order to get to 21, and Havoc, you're probably going to have to put a point in this regardless.

    Tier 6 (Havoc): You made it! Congratulations! Go melt faces.


    The Offensive Mastery Tree is in general just underwhelming. 9 points in it, in order to get Archaic Knowledge, is all you ever really need to know.

  2. Typical Offensive Mastery Tree point layouts:

    AP Carry, Mages, Supports, some Tanks: 3 ranks Archmage's Savvy, 1 rank Deadliness, 4 ranks Sorcery, 1 rank Archaic Knowledge, 21 points in Utility.

    AD Carry (all out offensive build): 3 ranks Deadliness, 1 rank Archmage's Savvy, 4 ranks Sorcery, 4 ranks Alacrity, 1 rank Archaic Knowledge, 3 ranks Sunder, 3 ranks Brute Force, 1 rank Lethality, 1 rank Havoc.

    Jungle (all out offensive build): 3 ranks Deadliness, 1 rank Plentiful Bounty, 4 ranks Sorcery, 4 ranks Alacrity, 1 rank Archaic Knowledge, 2 ranks Offensive Mastery, 3 ranks Sunder, 2 ranks Brute Force, 1 rank Havoc.
